Beta test of my upcoming "Interactive Rock" music for Unity3D!
OK, so I've done Medieval music, some Orchestral music, Electronic/horror/sci-fi music... What next? Well, I didn't compose any "rock"...

Endless Battle March: my latest random/adaptive video game music asset for Unity!
The rain is falling strong from the sky, yet your army advances through the storm. The air is filled with tension as day break is near...

The Psycho Electro Music Pack is out!
The Psycho Electro Music Pack is truly unique music asset, which uses both interactive and random soundtrack generation to give you...

Psycho-Electro Video Game Music, soon on the Unity Assetstore!
Well, I've composed a Medieval music pack, an Orchestral music pack... I thought I might start to get into more Electronic music stuff!...

Realistic Church Music for Video Games!
Hi all! I'm proposing something different to you this time... Realistic Church Music! =) You can test it here: RANDOM CHURCH MUSIC...

Angels and Demons: my latest project for video game music!
Imagine you are in front of the Gates of Hell, your spine shivers as you pass through the gigantic steel doors and suddenly a whisk of...

Release of my Authentic Medieval Battle Music Asset for Unity
After having released the Authentic Early Medieval Ages Audio Pack, I'm back with a "final" release which completes my composition work...
Ouverture to celebrate FL Studio 12's release!!!
As you may know, I am a proud user of the software FL Studio by Image-line. Yesterday, the new version of FL Studio was released! To...
What video game music style should I compose next?
Hi folks! So I've finally released my audio pack on the Unity Asset Store for Medieval music, what kind of music should I compose next?...

My Medieval Audio Pack is now available on the Unity Asset Store!
Hi All! About 5 months ago, I decided to compose Medieval music for video games. You can check out a video of one of the first pieces I...